Women of Wrestling Discussion Thread


New Member
Just saw S@riya on AEW. Those new boobs don't look good on her. Too many girls get implants and it's not right. I'm watching some old WCW Nitro's. Seeing Ch@rlotte as a slim tomboy was how she looked. She was a good looking girl. Now she has boltons and fucked with her face. She's not hot. Steph@nie McM@hon had a nice rack before gaining 3 sizes. It's just crazy. Ski Bloo looks great with naturals and handfuls of cake.


Well-Known Member
Just saw S@riya on AEW. Those new boobs don't look good on her. Too many girls get implants and it's not right. I'm watching some old WCW Nitro's. Seeing Ch@rlotte as a slim tomboy was how she looked. She was a good looking girl. Now she has boltons and fucked with her face. She's not hot. Steph@nie McM@hon had a nice rack before gaining 3 sizes. It's just crazy. Ski Bloo looks great with naturals and handfuls of cake.

Leila Grey has an amazing natural pair on her. They sag under the armpit like their suppose too.


Well-Known Member
Just saw S@riya on AEW. Those new boobs don't look good on her. Too many girls get implants and it's not right. I'm watching some old WCW Nitro's. Seeing Ch@rlotte as a slim tomboy was how she looked. She was a good looking girl. Now she has boltons and fucked with her face. She's not hot. Steph@nie McM@hon had a nice rack before gaining 3 sizes. It's just crazy. Ski Bloo looks great with naturals and handfuls of cake.
you don't have to mask names here (also Saraya*)


Well-Known Member
This is my mega of stuff I've collected on here up to this point and some bits got directly. Word to the wise, MR is not worth subbing to, requested something short as a custom, paid, she never delivered and posted 27 PPV from when I paid till now (got to cut your loses at some point) That's why the content is drying up from her OF. Anyway I know that's more for the discussion post, but still enjoy the content below.

Yeah the problem with a lot of OF accounts now is they're ran by agencies who make their money by getting % of all the tips and PPV's and the girls never go on themselves so the people running the accounts will take payment for custom videos and no matter what the request is because that's where they make the most money because it comes through as a tip and they get a higher % of tips and the girls who's account it is will never know because they don't bother going on there and the person who's running the account will just delete all the messages and block you from sending messages once they've taken your money so even if the girl did go on they'd never know