Women of Wrestling Discussion Thread


Active Member
Oh hell no, you thick cunt, banging on about getting leaks first while this forum gets them last, turns out dipshitcumbollocks was talking a pathetic 120 minutes earlier, get back in your corner you fucking troll, caused ructions on here with your rampant need to justify sexually assaulting women and then blah blah blahs himself as a top level mod, YOU ARE A CUNT now fuck off trolling and taking this fine thread off topic, you creepy prick.
An hour or 2 before they drop on here??? You'd think he was talking days before!


There's several of us here from the other forums. All cross post. I've already shared the top site in a DM with someone. Sorry you thought this was the only forum. If you'd like to see where the leaks first drop an hour or 2 before they get shared here, DM me
I would like to know as well


You’re not wrong
Staff member
I for the life of me have no idea how to DM someone on this site so I'm sorry it's here, but my old account was Cowboy Man and I can't remember my old email, if you happen to have that. To make up for putting this on this thread, here's some old !!CON!C photos i had.
It’s been completely wiped from the forum, usually means you’ve been a naughty boy:oops: as there is no sign of your previous account we will just have to give you the benefit of the doubt.:)


You’re not wrong
Staff member
We can make it days before, or you can let Good fellow @Halocock cross post for the whole thread.
Time you left rather than sit here threatening members when the so called top sites you admin have no name and the investigative skills of others found you as a mere member on any other site, not a top tier admin. You’re trying to lord power over strangers on the internet looking at naked people, it’s not a flex you need to grow up, all this because you decided it was legal to kiss someone without their permission and then attempted to justify it. For a so called super admin, I have another name but wouldn’t want to “slander” you you’re way too happy to troll this site nobody with any “clout” would give us a second look as you say we are at the bottom of the leak chain, yet here you are…


Well-Known Member
We can make it days before, or you can let Good fellow @Halocock cross post for the whole thread.
Big tough guy on the internet, time to change your underpants Colonel sexual assault.
Next thing big man here will be dm’ing threats coz he owns the leaks and he decides who’s allowed to look at them and at what time and who has to close their eyes and not look at his leaks he owns and got all by himself as the bestest admin ever.

Spider pig

I clean shit
Staff member
You talk shit about flex yet continue to target me knowing your little Staff Member badge is going to get you plenty of dick sucking support all the while you continue to racketeer piracy but act like I'm some vile criminal for a comment I made to another that was meant to be humorous. Also you can continue to read DMs I send to another all you wish. You act like your VPN keeps you unknown.
That’s your lot, picking fights trying to justify sexual assault as a joke when called out on it, bad mouthing this forum trying to intimidate members , hinting that you have the power to limit when leaks are published on this forum, should of been done yesterday instead of giving you any attention, banned!