Ariel Winter



I thought this was a forum for sharing nude celebrity photos, not a YouTube comments section of an anime video. Fuck all of you for making it seem like this thread was alive with nudes since my last visit. Digitally blue balled by a bunch of edgy teens. JUST. STOP.


Well-Known Member
"Sounds like you're another cocksucker like him whose giving that DIX faggot more fodder with with his alt accounts to stage his comebacks, maybe you are one of his...In any case I dont give a fuck, I didn't expect my one post to snowball into a shitshow but here we are."

Sixty-nine (giggity), seventy, seventy-one, and seventy-two...

"I still maintain I didn't want to drag it or make it personal, but when someone else made it personal ....after we went off topic with a useless discussion with another cocksucker who kept on harping on about being a pussy ass bitch about CP laws in Europe.
Haha yeah buddy your on a forum in a topic watching and jerking off to the very content you are sooo against"

Seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five, seventy-six and seventy-seven...

Also, lol @ "you made it personal". Amazing how some people think the world revolves around their insanity.

"So take this holier than thou act somewhere else you pussy ass bitch!"


"I just replied to that asswipe cum shitstain in the language he understands and and put him on ignore , so if you see him you can tell him I fucked his mom raw and now she has a prolasped gaping anus.
And if you have problem with it then go get fucked you are most welcome on my ignore list too."

Seventy-nine, eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three and eighty-four...

Also, glad you're enjoying this as much as I am, Peter. Anyone besides Mr I-totally-didn't-misspell-"purple" who wants to know what I'm counting, shoot a PM and count along. We'll start a sweepstake.

Edit: fine, we'll shoehorn this lot in as well -

"Unlike some people here I can laugh at some light hearted humor made at my expense."


"After ignoring weirdo copy paster, I have no reason to argue, he simply ceases to exist."


Seriously do you want to give it a rest, can tell it’s the weekend & you kids are allowed extra internet !!


"Also, glad you're enjoying this as much as I am, Peter. Anyone besides Mr I-totally-didn't-misspell-"purple" who wants to know what I'm counting, shoot a PM and count along. We'll start a sweepstake."

I understand it's important for you little buddy. I'm afraid I''ll have to take a rain check, thanks for the offer though.


"Lol, just checking. I figured you wouldn't be able to resist replying to that.
In case you're wondering, using "little buddy" was the tell."

If you know what you are talking about, that makes one of us. You are coming off a little childish and needy, like a kid pulling his mom's dress - "look mommy look", hence - little buddy. I also understand you need attention from grown men on hourly basis, but you will have to find someone else sweetheart :)