Ariel Winter



Oh get fucked, there is no proof that she was 14, she looks no younger than she does now, that's a nice titty


So now posting pictures of a pedophile‘s guide to Europe

Lol'd at the retards here arguing over a tiddy of some fat cow....

First of all age of consent in many countries in Europe starts at 13 in Italy for example .

I'ts 15 and 16 in France and Germany. So technically it's legal to view this in those places in

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What is not legal is....this video was most likely taken with her permission but not when it was put up on the internet.

Regardless of what age she was, that can be deemed illegal and that too is a stretch...

I don't give a fuck about American laws, the rest of the world doesn't have to abide by their retarded system.


Active Member
You are wrong. So It might be a good thing if you stop arguing....

There has been a lot of talk about this in the media, over the last couple of months, where I live, because of a case where a lot of teenagers (and people older than that) shared a sexvideo, of 2 15-year olds... The police have charged more than 1000 people. Even people who just recieved the video in a facebook message, and saw a few seconds of it were charged... There have been a lot of talk about what the laws are. And what you can and can't do. From politicians, from the police, from lawyers, and all types of other experts on this topic. I am not claiming I am some kind of expert. But I know that your claims, contradicts what all of these experts have been saying for months now....
You're correct with what you're saying. A few years back a friend of mine got into some serious trouble over something seemingly innocent. She was in the bathroom giving her daughter, who was 3 or 4 at the time, a bath. While she was in there she decided to take a selfie of herself in the mirror and posted it on Facebook. What she didn't notice was that you could see her daughter in the tub in the background. Someone saw the picture on her Facebook page and reported it. She ended up having CP charges brought against her, child protective services got involved and threatened to take her daughter away. It was a grueling couple months for her while this was going on. Fortunately she was able to get the charges dismissed but it could have turned out really badly for her. All over something seemingly innocent and accidental.


Staff member
Dude this video has been shared all over the internet...

You don't know her personally. PERIOD.
That right here is why you would never get into any trouble.

Unless you were publicly advertising that you had possession of such video on the internet and you were gonna share and distribute it openly.
If you did so... you could potentially invite the police into your home.

But then you'd have to be a stupidest motherfucker right? lol

Also I stated the age of consent of some Euro countires to basically say that those places would be the SAFEST to view something like this.
It was simply a way of downplaying the mass hysteria about ganging up on the guy who posted the video in the first place.

Lastly I'd like to say that my whole arguemnt here was not some advice to jerkoffs who think it's a hint or useful information to go to Europe to pursue thier CP fantasy lol.

Lol fuck that!
none of this would hold up in court, you have a vid of an underage girl where her tit pops out... guess what, you post that on the internet and thats illegal buddy