Kristina Dimitrova Nude (15 Photos)

Check out Kristina Dimitrova’s nude photos for men’s magazine. The slender brunette poses naked with a toy and shows her big fake boobs as a hot ballet dancer.

Kristina Dimitrova is a Bulgarian musician and model, best known for her glamour Playboy shots.

Kristina Dimitrova Nude

20 thoughts on “Kristina Dimitrova Nude (15 Photos)

  1. Georgia97

    I comment here using dozens of stupid names.
    I never say anything interesting or humorous.
    I’ll often agree with myself under another name.
    I’ll sometimes attack myself under another name.
    I am a virgin and my penis is shockingly small.

  2. Ras' Al Ghul

    What a shame!
    Playboy has really been degraded!
    I remember when I used to buy, read & gawk at naked pictures of beautiful NATURAL ladies & women back then!
    Not this monstrosity!
    I no longer buy the mag, & have long since stopped subscriptions to Playboy Plus online & Playboy TV!
    Hugh Hefner must be squirming, slamming his head in the grave for what his beloved baby has been downgraded to!
    Now, it’s an all comers affair, no vetting!
    Lots of fakery, photoshopping & airbrushing to hide imperfections!


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