15 thoughts on “Jade Chynoweth Sexy (14 Pics + GIFs)

  1. Average Jade

    People aren’t dissing her dancing, just her.
    It’s the way she gurns, giving it that look-at-me-great face.
    She’s not great. Not even close. She’s good. But there are a million out there who are good. And her body doesn’t move fluidly like a truly great dancer. The little girl in the Sia video blows her away for unique agility for example, and she uses her face for the expression of the dance. Whereas Chynoweth uses her face to try and convince you she’s hot and a badass. She’s neither. A gazillion miles away from ever being hot!

  2. Trevor

    Wow.. u can tell who’s sexist on this site.. all u guys are smashing this girl and she hasn’t done anything to u!! First off.. ballet is a hell of a lot harder than any kind of dancing and most ballet dancers have been doing it since before they could talk. Secondly.. the girl from the sia video looks like she’s having a seizure most of the time.. all over the place.. not one move leads into the next. She wirey and very spry. Jade is probably smarter than every single one of u combined. She probably has more money than all of u guys combined because of her “terrible dancing”. You all are bitching about her trying to be hot. This chick is fuckin hot!!!! Hotter than almost any celebrity, pork star, or dancer alike. U all are complaining about the clothes she wears… but I’ve seen figure skaters and gymnast wear less clothes than her. The girl from sia video is prancing around in a unitard for Christ sakes. That’s worse in my opinion.. unless ur into watching a 14 year old in barely any clothes.. perverts! Grow the fuck up. U don’t like what u see then don’t click on it.

  3. Doug

    Shes 19? She looks 29! Oh btw, dancing is retarded! What are you accomplishing besides getting cardio? Nothing! Everyone knows that UFC and MMA is where its at


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