Request Chloë Moretz ?



Seriously 16 isn't ok? So the dude she was sending this stuff to should be charged with possession of child pornography? hahaha 16 is old enough to know better and I think the term "pedo" is reserved for anything under 15 now and days because I have seen 15 year olds that look 25 with sugartits that make mothers everywhere insecure and asses that would make you swear they were in college.


16 is more than ok))) There are a lot of sexting pics in the web with girls 12-16, and not only in TOR net XD haha)


soooo are there nudes of her or not? and if so can someone be a hero and PM me the pics :)


Demotivational-pictures-common_Sense216.jpg I'm sure there are nudes of this little pop tart but all the self righteous bullshitters that would parade around as moral crusaders in public but would beat their dicks so hard they would snap it off like celery sticks in private while looking at the pics would report them because apparently 16 or 17 isn't mentally or emotionally mature enough to be considered legal ass. Honestly 18 is stupid just like 21 and drinking alcohol because sex isn't supposed to happen until 18 and you can't get drunk legally until 21 but you can join the military and handle grenades and rpgs and big artillery as young as 16. Nobody really pays attention to these kinds of things and very few actually have the capacity to see how retarded it is to have such arbitrary numbers on life experiences.


What if the photos were taken a day before their 18th birthday?
In 24 hours do they summon all their expected maturity and evolve into a fully grown adult like a pokemon.
Anyway it doesn't matter if the girl is 14 or 21, if you are over 35 and looking at their naked photos you are gross either way.
So you may as well enjoy whatever filth the internet throws at you.


thats a good point.:) Honestly I think the moral crusaders should take into account that if these near "adults" take the pics and it ends up on the web it the individuals fault for taking the pic in the first place and not deleting it. Besides if I fucked this celeb I stand a good chance of claiming the age exemption law and not doing any time if I proved we had a relationship. If she were younger than 15 then I would stay silent because there is no way to justify that in accordance with any law unless I lived in some select countries where the age of sexual consent is 12 or below. I do however think pedophilia is wrong but to me 15+ is not in that category.


Also google this bitch and you will see that she will in fact turn 18 on February 10th so these "pedo" accusers can suck the fuck you off the frosted tip of my dick for pushing the 16 bullshit. Its so damn close no prosecutor would chance a conviction.


Breast size, skin tone, and jawline all seem on point. Also if you Google image search there is even a pic of her biting her lip like that. Still without seeing the face or confirmation from her I'm still not convinced.
we shall see...for now, I'm a bit reluctant to believe.


Well-Known Member
Breast size, skin tone, and jawline all seem on point. Also if you Google image search there is even a pic of her biting her lip like that. Still without seeing the face or confirmation from her I'm still not convinced.
same here...even without reverse image search; the tits don't match. hence my reluctance.


there definitely seems to be images of her hacked

There are not pictures of her hacked. Don't know where you got that stupid idea.

Also the two pictures you posted and the one you think is her is not her. There is no question about it.

Would have been nice if she was hacked. But she definitely wasn't hacked. They would have been all over like Bella Throne if they existed.