Active Member
You're right, Xeen, it is weird, but legal; but if you think that's weird, get this:Also Arkansas and Georgia's age of consent is 16. Went to a mall in Arkansas once and everyone was 16 and married with a kid already in the stroller. Weird, but legal.
I'm not quite sure if you meant that -- in GA & AR -- @16, the age of (legal) consent is up to them, personally, or up to their parents/legal guardians....
I do know that, if it's the latter, it's (commonly) known as the "Age of Parental Consent;" as in, adults & minors can be married/etc., so long as it is alright (& agreed to/consented by) for the minor's parents/guardians -- I honestly can't imagine parents being cool about their kids doing that with adults, but the even creepier part is that, depending on the States Legal Statutes, in some cases, not only do the parents/guardians have to (legally) consent to it, but they sometimes even have to "supervise" the minor & (involved) adult at ALL times -- like 24/7 -- sometimes depending on if it's, like, ordered by a judge in a court of law, or (legally) instructed to do so, by the State. But that even isn't the really creepy part: In several states -- I think, like, Idaho, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, etc. -- the age of parental consent isn't even's 14.....again, like you said, weird, but legal.