
Well-Known Member


Active Member
incorrect, Dan Lambert trains his wrestlers privately with professionals which is why dudes like King Moe did well at Impact. a hardcore fan like him is not going to let anyone embarrass him.
How many years in the business do you have? How many people in AEW are you friends with? Damn. Anything to argue. I'm telling you she has barely trained. Anyway, not going to derail this thread anymore. Just know you're wrong.


Well-Known Member
How many years in the business do you have? How many people in AEW are you friends with? Damn. Anything to argue. I'm telling you she has barely trained. Anyway, not going to derail this thread anymore. Just know you're wrong.

and ok, I'm wrong. sorry, for wasting space, let's continue beating away (our meats)


Well-Known Member
What’s a vip club?
Some bullshit they're all doing they say you pay them $100 or more and they'll send you PPV's for free and priority messages back but in reality they send one or two pictures or videos then stop and even if they do remember they only send a few things and will still charge extra for anything good I've seen a few people talking about how they've been ripped off they're usually done by the girls who use agencies who lie about what they're selling and charge ridiculous money for the most basic shit and constantly sell the same content but change the title of it they're taking over onlyfans now you can tell which ones use them by the way the messages are usually loads of random emojis and just sound like they've been written by a robot