Deep Nude Celebs ONLY


Well-Known Member


    1.6 MB · Views: 485
  • yUeO9vj8L2gAAACV0RVh0ZGF0ZTpjcmVhdGUAMjAyNC0wMi0xNlQxOTo0ODowMiswMDowMN61mGUAAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6b...png
    534.4 KB · Views: 476
  • 6UyzQAAACV0RVh0ZGF0ZTpjcmVhdGUAMjAyNC0wMi0xNlQxOTozMzoyMiswMDowME1LcWwAAAAldEVYdGRhdGU6bW9kaWZ...png
    376.8 KB · Views: 495

The Grand Master

Well-Known Member
Do we draw a line here when it comes to Bella Ramsey. I have seen a few deep fakes on the actress and she is over age now. But she does look really young. Where do you lot draw the line? I myself would NOT post deep fakes of her here. But would you lot? does look younger than their age matter. is it simply a case of any actress over 18 is fair game, no matter on their looks. Let me know because I am wondering if there is a line that is that "Wow ok no....just no" marker? How far can you go with AI-ing a picture, before it crosses a line?


Well-Known Member
Do we draw a line here when it comes to Bella Ramsey. I have seen a few deep fakes on the actress and she is over age now. But she does look really young. Where do you lot draw the line? I myself would NOT post deep fakes of her here. But would you lot? does look younger than their age matter. is it simply a case of any actress over 18 is fair game, no matter on their looks. Let me know because I am wondering if there is a line that is that "Wow ok no....just no" marker? How far can you go with AI-ing a picture, before it crosses a line?
A read of this thread should give you an idea of the mods' view on this topic: