
Well-Known Member
It's written by some big time American lawyer apparently; one whose decided to spill the beans on any gossip they've come across. It's a hobby, I guess


Это написал какой-то известный американский юрист, который, судя по всему, решил выдать все слухи, которые ему попадались. Это хобби, я полагаю

АGC and CrazyDN - it`s are differents sites. AGC confirmed rumors through the media. CrazyDN - original source.


Well-Known Member
Cleaned up a little.

Both blind items from this year. Does make me wonder about A Breed Apart film. Are they really banking on Hayden being a draw, given how late she was announced to be part of it? Seems there are two, or heh four, reasons for some of the other actresses to be bigger draws.
Wait a minute, where's this supposed video of Hayden Panettiere masturbating that apparently has been shared hundreds of times over telegram?


Active Member
Hello. Okay i find this on CrazyDN

So, back a few years ago, this former A- list actress had recently split with her significant other and wanted an adventure. If the adventure was with a rich guy, then all the better. She found a guy. It didn't last all that long and since he wasn't interested in getting his photo snapped, our actress couldn't brag to the world she was dating a rich guy and show him off. She had to settle for a few written leaks. Anyway, the guy is foreign born and was apparently in the mafia from his home country. Our actress really wanted to be with him all the time because he had a lot of money to spend and was a very big fan of hers from a show back in the day. To get his attention, she made a little self pleasuring video and sent it to him. According to the two countries currently at war together, that little two minute video is the most popular video on the app that saw its founder arrested. Everyone shares the video and our actress is incredibly popular with the troops there on both sides.

in a few weeks this

What do you do if you are this out of work, controlling violent human being who somehow managed to get an actress who used to be A list, under your thumb. First, you don't let her escape. Second, you control every second of her life. Then, you make sure you have access to her bank accounts and buy yourself whatever you like. You control her through violence and threats. Even if she does escape, you have controlled her for so long that you get her to come back and push her deeper into the abyss. You keep her from trying to quit drugs and alcohol, because then she might leave you. You also keep her from losing her looks because you know guys who are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to sleep with her. It is a never ending cycle, but one of these days she may escape, and then you would go down. I think it will end in a murder/suicide.

most agree that it is Hayden Panettiere

Today i read that she go to rehab and kick out her boyfreind. And now i totally sure this video exists, maybe without her face.
bro wrote an essay about women in general. but i appreciate the thought of what could be.