Ariel Winter

There’s a bit of difference between a 16/17 year old getting her tits out in a video than real CP where someone much younger is forced and recorded against their will. Get off your high horse, no one was hurt mentally or physically, stop making a mountain out of a a molehill.
I agree there's a difference, but regardless it is illegal in the majority of the world, and morally disgusting. You're essentially arguing that this is child porn, but its not as bad as that child porn. Is that supposed to make it ok?

Joe Bradshaw

Well-Known Member
It has been confirmed that she was 15: Child, the video isn't inherently sexual but in the context of this forum it is so: Porn. Don't know why you're trying to normalize it. I believe she was 15 because crapper informed us she was during the video. I don't track her social media, I saw the video posted before and obviously saw it again. I'm not making accusations, I just don't want to see videos of exposed children on the internet which seems reasonable to me
"Trying to normalize it"? Get over yourself!
I'm not "normalizing" anything! If you want to blame someone for the sexualisation of teenage girls then there's much better places to start than me! I didn't post it!
Maybe you should contact Ariel or her friend since they're the ones who filmed it and put it on the Internet.

Joe Bradshaw

Well-Known Member
I agree there's a difference, but regardless it is illegal in the majority of the world, and morally disgusting. You're essentially arguing that this is child porn, but its not as bad as that child porn. Is that supposed to make it ok?
But it's not illegal, and you're not the arbiter of moral decency either!
"Trying to normalize it"? Get over yourself!
I'm not "normalizing" anything! If you want to blame someone for the sexualisation of teenage girls then there's much better places to start than me! I didn't post it!
Maybe you should contact Ariel or her friend since they're the ones who filmed it and put it on the Internet.
I'm not blaming you, but you are targeting me for telling someone to take it down

Joe Bradshaw

Well-Known Member
I'm not blaming you, but you are targeting me for telling someone to take it down
Precisely! It's not your place to TELL anyone anything! If you don't like it then keep on scrolling and crapper will delete it when he sees it, which'll be in about 10 minutes, this site's hardly Wikipedia now is it.
Precisely! It's not your place to TELL anyone anything! If you don't like it then keep on scrolling and crapper will delete it when he sees it, which'll be in about 10 minutes, this site's hardly Wikipedia now is it.
Do me a favor and look at #6 on the rule forum and then tell me again that I'm supposed to do nothing


Is it only me who sees an obvious link between user names..... JBradby (notorious vola pedo), & Joe Bradshaw? o_Oo_O
Haha Jbradby is me you whopper...notorious pedophile? Because I fancy Malu Trevejo who's 16.. you people don't half blow things out of proportion


I agree there's a difference, but regardless it is illegal in the majority of the world, and morally disgusting. You're essentially arguing that this is child porn, but its not as bad as that child porn. Is that supposed to make it ok?
No, but in other countries the legal age is much younger. Spain for example is/was 14.

Reap the whirlwind

Wouldn't be the first time you'd made incorrect assumptions on here!

And again with the 'Pedo' talk! From what I've seen JBradby keeps posting post pubescent, underage content. That doesn't make him a paedo! Is he breaking the law, maybe, depends where he lives. But a paedophile is a very specific thing and that ain't it!

Look it up if you don't believe me, you probably should if you're going to make those accusations.

And just for the avoidance of doubt, I am NOT JBradby!
Nixon said he wasn’t a crook, look how that turned out:eek:;):D:D:D

Joe Bradshaw

Well-Known Member
Josh uses "..." all the time. Is that you Joshy?
Nope. I'm not anyone else on this site.

I don't get the obsession with having multiple profiles and liking your own posts whilst having pointless conversations with yourself.

Speaking of pointless conversations............................................................................................................................................................................

Reap the whirlwind

Not sure who you're accusing there or what you think you're accusing them of?

Not that I'm surprised to find you here though, seems whenever pharaoh inserts himself in to an argument you're never far behind. It's almost like you're the same person...
Nope pretty sure pharaoh isn’t looking or needing any back up,I was just amusing myself, the line I am not anybody else and expecting to be believed was like Nixon saying he wasn’t a crook and expecting everybody to believe him, I don’t care who you are(no offence) so you enjoy your day, it’s nearly Friday which means it’s also nearly Saturday:D

Reap the whirlwind

Josh uses "..." all the time. Is that you Joshy?
Joshy has had more resurrections on here than viagra has given to limp cocks( how weird that joshy and limp cock have made it into the same sentence:eek:):D:D
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Reap the whirlwind

The one video you're all talking about is the one that she had a nip slip right?
No the other one where she spits on her finger then slips it in her arse as she winks at the camera :eek::D:D