Zoe Kravitz Picks Up Take Out Food in New York (9 Photos)

Zoe Kravitz picks up some Mexican take out food in Bedford, New York, 07/05/2020. The 31-year-old actress who is set to star in ‘Batman’, wore a face mask, white ribbed tank top without a bra, Adidas track pants, and black boots from The Row.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/zoeisabellakravitz/

8 thoughts on “Zoe Kravitz Picks Up Take Out Food in New York (9 Photos)

    1. wawa

      With how liberal hollywood is they’ll make the next catwoman be as unsexy as possible and not appealing to white men (the core demographic of these movies) so she’ll most likely get it.

  1. Mantis Toboggin M.D.

    Looks like she gave herself the homeless tweaker scratching at fleas during drug induced psychosis hair cut.


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