6 thoughts on “Victoria Silvstedt Sexy (41 Photos)

    1. killian James

      To the imposter ^^^^^:

      Wys jou gesig meid, of pos onder ‘n naam waar ek ook kak oor jou kan skryf. Al wat jy nog in jou lewe genaai het was jou eie kouse, nou wil jy kak praat onder die name van regte mans. Ek gaan ‘n fokken besem by jou hol indruk, so diep dat die fokken steek ‘n knop op jou fokken voorkop sal maak.

      Die fokken probleem is net dat ‘n skewe naaier poes soos jy dit dalk nog sal geniet.

      Gaan fokken drink nou ‘n liter of twee kaster-olie en kak jou hart uit, doos!

  1. roger refuse

    Not that hot anymore. Ever go to the grocery store?………….Everything has a “shelf life.” An “expiration date.”

  2. TheReaper

    She refused to let herself age gracefully. Compare her to Cindy Crawford (both about the same age). Victoria actually did nude modeling in Sweden before she was even 18! Don’t remember if he she had implants for her first PB shoot–don’t think so. That was where it all went down hill. Those lips are so awful even Donald Duck wouldn’t want to kiss her. Sad.

    Granted, I’d definitely hit it. For sure.


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