34 thoughts on “Venus Williams Nude (1 Outtake Photo)

    1. Tacho

      You’re gud pal. The negress is wearing camouflage and blended with her surroundings, making you believe you’re blind.

  1. Fat Kate Upton

    This creature is

    41 years old,


    6’1″ tall,

    and only dates white men.

    Talk about ‘failure to launch’…

  2. J

    Didn’t expect to see this , wow. I actually met her once after a match chatted for a while she’s actually a real sweetheart very nice and generous to her fans.

    SMH at some of the racist remarks on here but that’s fckn idiots for you

    1. King Neptune

      These things are nearly dude, I’d keep on walking of I saw her naked. Unless, she’s gonna buy me a Ferrari, then you never know.

  3. White Men who love black pussy

    Hmmmmmmmm I want this fine black stallion. Suck my dick please baby i beg you my black queen.

  4. Name

    Fuck this self-hating, wannabe cracker bitch. Always screaming about “racism, racism, racism”, then all this dumb bitch wants to do is shack up with the flea carrying faggots. Fuck this worthless bitch, and her wannabe cracker sister. White folks, y’all can have the Williams sisters, we’re good. They wanna be y’all, so have fun with the cracker Williams sisters.


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