Topless Girls Pleases Olaf Scholz in Berlin (14 Photos)

Demonstrators take their shirts off to protest topless with the slogan reading “GAS EMBARGO NOW” on their skin, beside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during the Federal Government’s Open Day event at the Chancellery in Berlin, 08/21/2022.

In the weekend of August 20 and 21, 2022 citizens have the opportunity to visit the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministries and the Federal Press Office during the open day event and discover the political Berlin.

15 thoughts on “Topless Girls Pleases Olaf Scholz in Berlin (14 Photos)

  1. Fame Whore

    How could ANYONE get this close to Germany’s leader?

    These whores wouldn’t get within half a mile of a US President.

    1. Mediatuner

      Day of the open door of the German Government. They talked to their people.

      Strange thing for Trump brownnosers, that’s understable.

  2. wawa

    Feminists: “We’re not sex objects. Stop sexualizing our bodies!”
    Also feminists: “let me write shit on my tits and flash men”

  3. wawa

    Giving women the right to vote has been the biggest mistake in the white, western world’s history.

    All it has gotten us is open borders/globalism, welfare states and feels over reals bills that see that billions are sent to ‘poor countries’

  4. Sven

    I wanna see a couple chicks like this do this next to Biden, lol. Biden just standing there with that blank stare and pointing at their tits wondering if his handlers planned this and it was suppose to happen.

  5. jimmy

    “I get to virtue signal and get everyone’s attention by getting naked and throwing a tantrum”
    This sort of hysterical behavior is what made people believe in witches hundreds of years ago

  6. Tho

    Shame on German politicians. They sacrifice their people for the sake of american politicians…
    Now every wise one knows what this war aims to….


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