9 thoughts on “Tinashe Sexy (9 Photos)

    1. July Caesar

      Dear DSF,
      You are so clearly obvious. You are transparent, not opaque as you transparently foolishly drunkenly believe. I will not put you on blast and tell the internet world what DSF stands for, so you can continue your current meager existence. You don’t “tease,” you are just mean. You lost your Twitter and will possibly lose everything, because you abused your “Gift.” Now you will continue to be punished, as it has already started. I cheered for you, because of your talent, but then I realized you are vile and vapid (your favorite big word). Sometimes there seems to be no hope for you because you never learn and are a terrible yet occasionally sweet person with writing talent. Don’t try to sub blog me on DSF, because I got bored of it and stopped checking it daily 2 months ago. The chickens come home to roost unless you change your ways, which you might not, because people like you resist change. I don’t eat soy, or any other beans, not even baked beans. I like white meat chicken, fish, and 2% organic milk.

  1. NotDieter

    I have a thing for this chick, and she had a thing for exposing flesh. Can’t wait for the next see thru or not slip.

  2. Sheldon

    Well they get hotter when you introduce white genes into them, the hard part is trying to fuck a negress to begin with. Invito them all and just dilute the race


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