The SoapGirls Nude (44 Photos)

The SoapGirls perform at the Soundhouse in Leicester, 08/30/2019. Millie (pictured) and her sister Mie make music with punk credentials, appearing near naked as they promote an ethos based around liberation. Their latest album, Elephant in the Room, is out now.


29 thoughts on “The SoapGirls Nude (44 Photos)

    1. James

      @peterk. Posers?! What other performers go out on stage in nothing but panties and perform? I’d say these two are the very definition of punk rock girls.

  1. s.smith

    Fuck me,I could ‘sing’ better than that but i dont think anybody wants to see me naked.If theyre gonna use nudity to distract the audience they should be fully naked

  2. Srsly

    If you wanna see some bona fide hardcore punk shit with nudity and violence watch Plasmatics performing on youtube. They set the bar pretty high for punk and their vocalist Wendy was off the hooks it’s a shame she committed suicide.

  3. Captain Obvious

    They probably will say they’re empowering women but in actuality you all are just whores using your bodies to make money.

  4. yourmomisworth5cents

    Mediocre looking? Check. Talentless? Check. Doomed career? Check. Go out topless and in lingerie to get some play so you don’t have to flip burgers. CHECK.


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