8 thoughts on “Sydney Sweeney Shows Off Her Sexy Boobs in a Hot Shoot by Josh Ryan (8 Photos)

  1. GHUA

    The only thing that comes close to matching the scale of how impressive her tits are is how insanely dull, boring and uninteresting she is.

    1. Spaz de la Whoreta

      Agreed. Her tits make my wiener hard, but her personality is shit. She’s an entitled cunt who thinks the world revolves around her. Just like all of them.

  2. Severin

    “Immaculate” is much better than “The Nun Part II” but it has script problems. There is no convincing bridge between Sr. Sweeney at the film’s beginning and Sr. Sweeney at film’s end, and so while the last third is very entertaining (if unnecessarily silly at points), it’s not quite as effective as it would be had we actually seen our lead get to that point.



  3. Dbaglover

    Not a very talented actress but she is a beautiful woman. I would literally let her sit on my face with my tongue buried in her asshole and she could fart on my tongue and I wouldn’t mind at all. I’d probably ask her to do it again and again


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