Sydney Sweeney Nude – Euphoria (5 Pics + Video)

Watch Sydney Sweeney’s new edited video with nude, sex scenes from “Euphoria” (2022) Season 2 Episode 2 (s02e02).


Sydney Sweeney is showing breasts and butt in a montage of she and a guy having sex, first in a back-lit scene on a bed with Sydney on top of him, then with Sydney lying naked on her stomach on a rug by a fireplace, then with Sydney in his lap as they have sex in the same place.

Next we see Sydney riding the guy in the bed of a truck, throwing her head back. Finally we see her in bed with the guy again, the guy grabbing her breast and sucking on her nipple before the scene closes with Sydney lying on her side in the guy’s arms.

15 thoughts on “Sydney Sweeney Nude – Euphoria (5 Pics + Video)

  1. Severin

    I’m legitimately shocked by her willingness to get naked. I assumed that after season one she’d cut back since she began working regularly. The nudity in her shitty second Amazon film (nudity free “Nocturne” is superior), I figured, was a means to an end (the end being more film roles). Yet lo and behold, I was wrong. Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about nudity, like Juno “It’s just skin” Temple? But Juno’s a Brit. Is Sydney an American? If she is, and if she doesn’t care about the nudity, it’s a surprise because she’s actually acting as a dramatic actress and isn’t just “Hot Slut B” on the call list.

    Also, a guy had to run away from La Perversa to keep from cumming himself. “La perversa . Cañafistol bani ” on YouTube.

    1. lol

      Do you have any idea how hard you have to work to be the worst commenter on here? The competition is incredible, and yet, I think it’s actually you. Congratulations man, you earned it.

      1. Chester

        Are you kidding me? You just noticed the idiocy of Severin’s posts? The utter drivel and drool this guy expounds on a daily basis………………and what is amazing is that Severin is actually a fairly bright guy who CHOOSES to be a total idiot.

        1. lol

          Oh no, I’m aware he’s always sucked, it’s just there’s so many horrible people on here, it’s almost impossible to pick the worst. Case in point, your comment below. You might as well have made the same comment, you just went with sarcasm, where as he went with retard.

  2. Chester

    What a great actress. Have her do a one woman show on Broadway. Incredible her depth. Beautiful face too. Love the fact her eyes are two counties away from each other. She’s not one to take advantage of her body either. Wants to be known strictly for her acting ability……….Euphoria. What a wonderful show for 14-15-16 year old kids to watch. So positive and uplifting. Great redeeming value. They must be real proud of that show. Mom and Dad are I’m sure.


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