26 thoughts on “Soldano Kunz Enjoys a Nude Day on the Beach with Cristina Parodi in Formentera (35 Photos)

    1. Mr. Loopy

      Yes, I love cock. You guys all know that. You knew I wouldn’t miss out on that sack of man meat.

  1. The Batman

    For all the male Yanks on here, yes he has a ‘foreskin’ and it’s what you all had before your parents had you mutilated at birth.

    1. Stupid Brit

      Hey, Brit-ney you’re talking about Americans, yet your name is an American superhero, created by an an American LMAO dumb Harry Potter sounding moron.

  2. Mantis Toboggin M.D.

    Washed up old women, tranny, and dicks. Never thought this site would come to this. Where the fuck is dieter these days? Atleast he kept the comment section funny. Now we just have to hear stupid Fame Whore, Mr.loopy, GerMan, and WaWa. Up your game.

  3. Dumbass Euro's

    What’s with all the bracelets on the dude with the diseased foreskin? He dressing up as Spartacus in his head?

  4. Delboy

    The usual white faggot paedophile with his dick out in front of a little girl. I wouldn’t expect anything else, from a member of the spawns of the devil white race.

  5. wawa

    Jesus uncircumcised dicks are gross looking. Haha he has a bigger dick than all of your shrimp dicks on here and his isn’t even big. BiG yiKeS!


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