Shihomi Yoshino Nude (4 Photos)

Japanese Shihomi Yoshino posed topless in her bathroom surrounded by fishes (March 2019).

A gorgeous model known for her raunchy social media snaps has stunned followers with a detailed post on how best to dry fish and advises fans to use “a toothbrush to scrape away all the unnecessary bits.”


Shihomi Yoshino Nude

30 thoughts on “Shihomi Yoshino Nude (4 Photos)

    1. Desperate attention seeking 50+ names of gay^

      Indeed. You’ve been known to skull fuck guppies and gold fish to death. Still, that’s like throwing a hotdog down a hallway with your little micropenis.

  1. Smasher1572

    May sound saft, but does anyone know how to make an account on the forums? Since I can only find ‘login’, when I don’t have an account yet.

    1. colonel slanders

      i thought your problem was a little odd, so i logged out and checked myself and found there was no register button as they used to be. they recently altered rules and may have temporarily stopped newcomers due to a few trolls getting on with multiple accounts. so try contacting admin via the ‘contact us’ thing at bottom of site.

    1. Fake name homo = faggot

      Everybody doesn’t pickle by sticking things up their ass like you, homo. We know your delicacies are pickled gerbils, pickled BBC a la cream de la pepe, and ass to mouth on any other object you stick up your fat ass to pickle.

  2. colonel yes..... well

    im sure ive seen a video of her popping out of a freezer sucking and doing naughty things with fish. this has to be same lass, though you cant really tell as japs all look the same.


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