Sexy Kim Kardashian Poses for SKIMS (7 Photos)

Curvy reality TV star and businesswoman Kim Kardashian shows off her nice cleavage promoting her brand SKIMS for in a photoshoot by Sandy Kim (December 2020).



14 thoughts on “Sexy Kim Kardashian Poses for SKIMS (7 Photos)

  1. peter dobson

    Oh fuck off with your “sexy” Kim K. This is a disgusting WHALE with an Napoleon syndrom. She thinks she’s bigger than everyone else. Pff bag of bones and shit.

    1. Brazilian boy

      Yes, she thinks she is bigger than everyone else, and she is.Only her ass is the size and weight of an adult. That is, it is worth two hahahaha.Now that the cow is single again she must pose naked, we need this.It is her obligation, a duty to the world population.

    2. k-trash hater

      I agree, I don’t even think one day has gone by without her popping up, here or anywhere. Almost like she has decided to be mentioned every single day……yeah, Kim ain’t sexy.

  2. The Voice Of Reason

    I see Kanye gave her his lips while he’s in the booby hatch. Judging by her eyebrows, he left her his Sharpie too.

  3. Wendell

    What is it with these people? What is it with us? The mother is worth 400 mil and Kim is probably worth 300 mil and the other 2 sisters are probably worth 175 mil. Hell. Kendall is the poorest of all of them probably worth 75 mil. Kylie is a billionaire or damn close to it. How? Why? Infatuated? Well. Altogether they’re worth probably 2 billion dollars so someone must like them. WHY? Is my question. It certainly isn’t me. I’ve never bought one of their products, never watched one of their shows, never read one article about them. I’ve looked at some pictures {how can you avoid it?} People like this. People like Justin Bieber {who’s worth $250 million. Kylie. Do you know who makes them rich? I’ll tell you. The fanatics make them rich. 15% of the 15%. Out of every 100 Kardashian fans or Bieber fans or Demi Lovato fans the one’s that make them rich are the 15 who buy everything they sell and over the course of time buy Justin’s and Demi’s CD seven times and spend $100 dollars on different shades of Kylie’s lipstick and so forth and so on. THOSE PEOPLE make them rich. 70% of American’s hate the Kardashians so how did they get rich you say? Because of the people who are obsessed with them. The kids who wait six hours in line to buy a toy doll or a new perfume. Those people. The people who go see a Star Wars movie 30 times. That is why George Lucas is worth 7 billion. The FANATICS.

  4. ozz969

    10 pounds of crap in a 2 pound bag. Some of those pictures are reminiscent of the old freak shows. Why would anyone wear something that makes you look deformed; pic 2 & 7 in particular are almost gag inducing.

  5. Spankmaster

    Were anyone to smear off all the make up she uses, how much would it weigh I wonder? And were she to go swimming, how much of an oil slick would it leave behind? Hey, I’m just being ecologically friendly…


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