Selena Gomez Nude (10 Photos)

Here are nude pictures of Selena Gomez by Bernat Paul for Another Filthy Magazine (September 2019). But she isn’t the famous Selena Marie Gomez. This chick has a lot of tattoos and love poses naked. She woke up thirsty.


Selena Gomez Nude

48 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Nude (10 Photos)

    1. pharoahegypt

      well, we know of at least one guy who didn’t bother to read the notes before clicking on the link? it clearly states it’s not THE selena gomez. Tho still as clickbait a title as they come.

      1. The Gent

        I rarely read the flap at the top as most of it appears to be nothing more than self-promotion of either the completely unknown person in the pictures or the photographer.

    1. RB

      Reading is fundamental.

      Here are nude pictures of Selena Gomez by Bernat Paul for Another Filthy Magazine (September 2019). But she isn’t the famous Selena Marie Gomez. This chick has a lot of tattoos and love poses naked. She woke up thirsty.

    1. Queen attention whoring fake name faggot^

      Thought for sure you’d be having conversation with yourself like the sad fuck you are. Guess you’ll just get mileage out of your other fake names.

      Oh, and as usual, there’s nothing mildly humorous about your kindergarten comments dummy.

      1. Oh, the irony.

        Still no closer to attaining self-awareness then?

        Thick as pig shit.

        Or whatever the kosher equivalent would be. Perhaps ‘your mom shit’.

    1. RB

      Reading is fundamental.

      Here are nude pictures of Selena Gomez by Bernat Paul for Another Filthy Magazine (September 2019). But she isn’t the famous Selena Marie Gomez. This chick has a lot of tattoos and love poses naked. She woke up thirsty.

  1. Jebus

    Brilliant clickbait. First you get clicks from the idiots that don’t read beyond the header (and you make sure the header photo is ambiguous), then you get clicks from people like me that come to read the shitstorm “THAT ISN’T HER I FUCKING HATE YOU” in the comments.

  2. Chester

    I wanted to raise holy hell for it not being the Selena we all thought it was but then i realized i would be bitching about a chick getting naked and i don’t care who it is I’m not doing that.

  3. Mickey varco

    I can’t say for sure if that’s her real name or not’ it’ll get too confusing to hear that there’s two Selena Gomez, one we know but this one’ I don’t know who that is. Nor I have ever seen her before’ just when I was hoping that was Selena in a thong showing off her wild side that we haven’t seen her do yet but I can hope someday she does, it’s her choice’ I look forward to the day she does. Good luck Selena!

  4. Spankmaster

    i knew it was too good to be true. This chick has a much better arse than the real Selena Gomez. Ah well, we can only dream…


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