Check out Sasckya Porto’s nude and sexy photos from her glamour Playboy photos below.
Sasckya Porto (born October 31, 1984 in Timbaรบba, Pernambuco) is a Brazilian model. She was Playboy’s Playmate of the Month for December 2007.
Check out Sasckya Porto’s nude and sexy photos from her glamour Playboy photos below.
Sasckya Porto (born October 31, 1984 in Timbaรบba, Pernambuco) is a Brazilian model. She was Playboy’s Playmate of the Month for December 2007.
Ugh, the fake tits really screw up her entire body
One nip up here, one nip down there. Doctor need his ass kicked
Once Hefner started allowing fake tits, that rag went downhill fast