Sanne & Lieke Wevers are Pictured at the Ariake Gymnastics Centre in Tokyo (16 Photos)

Lieke and Sanne Wevers are pictured during stage training at the Ariake Gymnastics Centre, an important test moment for the Dutch gymnasts in the run-up to the start of the Olympic Games, 07/22/2021.


9 thoughts on “Sanne & Lieke Wevers are Pictured at the Ariake Gymnastics Centre in Tokyo (16 Photos)

  1. wawa

    I love how the girl’s soccer team got political, decided to kneel during the anthem and they proceeded to LOSE. ROFL LMAO. When most Americans want to see you lose, you know you’re not very liked. That purple haired attention seeking dyke got embarrassed.

    1. Make moronism wrong again

      1. “Most Americans” are certainly not most Americans. 2. All the Trump losers, please gather in Oklahoma and build the wall you want so much around yourselves. And stay inside. 3. Most humans thank you.

    2. Disgruntled werewolf

      You keep sucking Trump dick, he needs you since Melania would rather suck Secret Service dick and hasn’t let him touch her since the kid was born.

  2. Mr.Loopy

    C’mon now, a good Whore don’t need no stage training. She just performs and does what needs to be done. What kind of low life Whore circus are you running here?…

  3. Kastrius

    I don’t care if you show olympic athletes that have done nude or other work. Showing them to be sexy at the Olympics is a bit to far. These Athletes are attempting to do something that I am guessing no one has ever thought about doing, representing your country.

  4. JrSalami

    A bet their lining up outside the basketball team to get their filling of BBC…no wonder the “dream team” is garbage….weak legs from banging snow bunnies all night…


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