13 thoughts on “Poll: Deborah Ann Woll vs. Karen Gillan

    1. DrWho

      Just not the best pic of her. She looks pale/washed out.
      Deb does has away better body than Karen but Karen is much cuter

      1. sigh

        If they used any screen cap from True Blood, she would have won easily. The dream sequence with Hoyt comes to mind. Karen would be losing by 30 points, unless this site is somehow packed with Who fans, but judging by how most of them comment, I highly doubt that.

  1. Dudekid

    Tough choice, Karen Gillan’s my first love though on account of her super sexy legs but Deborah Ann Woll’s got the better rack.

  2. Andreas

    I love cock – this post sucks. Blah, blah, blah, useless blather , useless blather. I’ve never seen or touched a real women so I pretend to on all my useless posts. Besides, I’m a pathetic fat old slob living on entitlement payments and eating twinkies, both kinds.

    1. Andreas

      I love the cock so it doesn’t matter how I vote. I love big cocks, small cocks, medium cocks, cocks jammed down my throats and rammed up my ass. Did I mention how much I love the cock?

  3. Spankmaster

    Karen Gillian is an incredibly sultry redhead of the highest order who is as horny, cute, fit and funny as all fuck, which is exactly why she wins. Stand back please, we have lift off…


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