20 thoughts on “Phoebe Price Isn’t Taking Any Chances When it Comes to the Coronavirus (62 Photos)

  1. General fuck knows

    shes dumb as the chinks….her nose is uncovered and that is a surgical mask primarily made to stop blood spatter and spittal….NOT and i repeat NOT viruses. gloves yeah they work for touch by use of hands (who knows where them cocks have been !!) so long as you remember to take the fuckers off before handling items in your house !!.

    scale of retardness 0 – 10 with ten been fully retarded…..meh, ive seen worse…..lets give IT an 8

  2. Duh

    She’ll do anyone at the drop of hat despite the possibility of STDs but when it comes to the Corona virus she want to use protection. Makes sense.

  3. wawa

    That awkward moment when you wear a mask to gain attention and then not even wear it properly.

    We can only hope the virus decimates Hollywood and all of these whores. Hopefully it creates a dystopian apocalypse so I can have a few of these whores as sex slaves. Not the gross ones like this though. Eww

  4. Mike

    Just want to see Granny’s Butthole. I would throw some wood in her.. Maybe she will but me something afterwards..

  5. i swear people are dumb

    Anyone who does this is an idiot pure and simple. This won’t help you from getting it in any way. Read some actual scientific literature for fuck sake.

  6. Mantis Toboggin, M.D.

    It’s not even covering her nose?! Those fat nostrils look like they are bout to rail a line of corona.

  7. Gok

    I don’t normally care about clothes, but this woman has no style what so ever. I think I would call her day to day look MENTALLY ILL!


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