Paola Saulino Nude (108 Photos + Videos)

Check out this sexy nude photo and video collection of charming Paola Saulino from Patreon and other sources.

The Italian Paola Saulino, working as a model, actress (and not only) in the United States, became popular when she had oral sex with all opponents of the constitutional reform in Italy. Millions of men voted against it in a referendum. In the end, January 10, 2017, Paola began to fulfill the promises in trips to Italian cities.

The 27-year-old busty babe thanked more than 400 men and didn’t stop there. She’s a sexy patriot!


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26 thoughts on “Paola Saulino Nude (108 Photos + Videos)

  1. Porn Olympics

    Giving praise to the countless sex (400+) a porn star has is like winning the Special Olympics.
    Up next ‘The Pole Vault;

  2. Shazbot

    She “[sucked] more than 400 men and didn’t stop there. She’s a sexy patriot!”

    And a walking petri dish.

  3. Severin

    What an incredible slut. By her own admission she’s blown some of the guys on her sex tour without condoms.

  4. sergio rojas

    Some of these had been on the internet for a really long time. How come until now you guys get them?
    Good shit tho.

  5. Brazilian boy

    Oh My god Brazil needs a woman (whore) patriot like her to save our policy!!!!. Come to Brazil is will be well received.


    The 27-year-old busty babe thanked more than 400 men and didn’t stop there. She’s a sexy patriot! <— Fake News, she didn't blow anyone, she's just a liar

  7. Jeeg

    Hi. I’m Italian and I followed Paola in the last years.
    I just want to say that her “blowjob tour” never happened.
    It’s all a lie to became famous. Without success until now.

    Luckily she started get naked…finally something real from her.


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