Merle Frohms Sexy (5 Photos)

Meet Merle Frohms, born in Celle on January 28, 1995, is a German footballer who’s been tearing it up in the game. Straight outta Celle, Frohms started her athletic journey early, showing off mad skills as a goalkeeper.


Throughout her career, she’s been killing it on the field with her sick moves and fierce presence. With her crazy agility and lightning-fast reflexes, she’s earned a rep as one of the illest goalkeepers in the game. She’s played for some top-notch clubs and proudly held it down for Germany on the international stage. Frohms is a straight-up inspiration for all those aspiring athletes out there. Mad respect!

10 thoughts on “Merle Frohms Sexy (5 Photos)

  1. Merlo

    Sexy like a brick, but at least she’s one of the prettiest players of football. Too sad she doesn’t do special shoots…

    1. Real Real Sj

      Only a MAGA incel beta is threatened by a strong unrepentant female. How many times does it take you to write “woke” before your micro-pecker gets hard ? Love Rapinoe and all anti-patriarchal super women.

      T-rump for home room queen !!

      1. Real Sj

        Anyone who thinks “woke” isn’t a perjorative, is an obvious libtard snowflake who takes tranny cock up the ass, and let’s their POC friends steal their TV as “slave reparations”.
        Go cry on Mastodon, woke libtard pussyboy.

        1. Real Real Sj


          Well there you have it. The sad, pathetic state of the “Publican” MAGA crowd. If they aren’t saying “Woke” over and over again, like it’s some magic spell, they’re talking about “Cock in the ass”. Sad state of affairs. “Ronnie Ray-gun”is rolling over in his grave. Too bad that all the MAGA warriors can only cry like little bitches when they are sentenced to jail, one by one.

          T-rump for drag queen

          1. Real Sj

            ^^^^ Another MAGA Incel imposter posting his fake drivel, trying to mock being woke and failing miserably. All T-Rump Proud Boy supporters are too dumb to even pretend to be as socially aware as any true blue Democrat.
            These right-wing loonies can never match a truly progressive uber-mensch like what I am! I have merely to tweet my POC minions on Mastodon, and we will have a flashmob in an instant. So many of my masked Antifa warriors, bravely insulting asian shopkeepers and looting their store. That’ll teach them! We are protesting, and our protests involve stealing all the TVs!
            And after, we can all join together in some crack and then the whites among us will give up our cheeks to be busted by our oppressed POC comrades!
            Vive la revolution! Hail Nike! Down with T-Rump! Off with his head!


    2. Disgruntled Werewolf

      Rapinoe is hardly an example of ‘woke’. She is an intolerant cunt and a poor loser. I will never forget her insulting comments after getting her ass kicked by Canada. Her retirement will help the game of women’s soccer more than her playing ever did.


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