Melania Trump Shows Her Tits in a Pink Dress (17 Photos)

First lady Melania Trump turns 50 during coronavirus lockdown. Let’s go back in time.

Donald Trump and Melania (first shots of her pregnant) were seen leaving the Versace Mansion on March 4, 2005 in Miami Beach, Florida.


17 thoughts on “Melania Trump Shows Her Tits in a Pink Dress (17 Photos)

  1. Donnie Drumpf

    I looked so good back then, so handsome. Really a beautiful man. Dumb as fuck, sure, but damn I looked good.

  2. JrSalami

    You know how many Russian oligarchs, Saudi royalty, soccer players, and other millionaires & billionaires ran through the first “lady”…..TONS..TONS back when she use to be a “model” lol…she was an instagram whore before there was an instagram to show off and sell your goodies…she was always a middle of the road escort…

  3. For all you pathetic libtards

    My god you bunch of fucking libtard pussies. I can’t wait to see all you crying again after the next election. Melania is way better than that dude that was walking around showing his dick through his pants. What was the name?? Oh yeah Michael Obama.

    1. Fuck Trump and Fuck you

      I’m not a liberal but I am a New Yorker and we’ve always known that he’s a piece of shit and his family is garbage.

  4. Severin

    I think she’s an awful person just like pretty much every other first lady (Jackie Kennedy being a notable exception) and the spouses of most powerful US politicians. First ladies have enabled some of the worst people on earth. Carmela Soprano is a fucking saint compared to them. Yet all of that is besides the point. Melania looks great here. Now, in 2020, not so great, but still fuckable. Yet I’d rather fuck Ivanka, a truly despicable person for sure (and fuck Jared and the entire Kushner crime family), but one whom even her father recognizes is a great piece of ass.

  5. Simp Williams

    Maga cucks getting a hard on for this Non American former escort lmao. Nothing like being represented by a slut and old viagra/ adderol loving, privileged geezer. But he’ll get elected again cuz Dems suck at picking candidates


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