Marit Thoresen, Maggie Q Nude – Naked Weapon (17 Pics + GIFs & Video)

Check out more perfect Marit Thoresen and Maggie Q’s nude scenes from “Naked Weapon” (Chek law dak gung, 赤裸特工, 2002), where Marit is sitting on a piano, stripping off her silver dress, and showing her Weapons. Also, you can see Maggie’s completely naked body, while she’s all wet having sex with her man on the beach at night! Watch other hot scenes in the Nudogram video below.

Maggie Q Nude

After the best agent dies, a mysterious woman kidnaps forty girls from the streets and takes them to the island. Over the next few years, she will bring up new elite killers. Survivors of the deadly selection and will be her terrible weapon.

The graduates of the twisted mistress’s academy of murder easily infiltrate even the best-protected target’s inner sanctum, where they kill with cold efficiency and the impunity of the ridiculously sexy. Until a serious-minded soldier from the CIA sniffs out their scent. But what luck will he have against the fatal allure of a Naked Weapon? He is, after all, only a man.




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5 thoughts on “Marit Thoresen, Maggie Q Nude – Naked Weapon (17 Pics + GIFs & Video)

  1. Pete

    I have this movie on DVD. This was what introduced me to Maqqie Q. This was before she got all skinny as a stick. Beautiful breasts and nice ass.


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