Mako Komuro Sexy (4 Photos)

Peep this! Mako Komuro was born on October 23, 1991, in Tokyo, Japan. She blew up when she got engaged to Japan’s former Prince Hisahito, making her a big deal in Japanese and worldwide media.

Her story as a regular person marrying into the Japanese royal fam got mad attention and interest. Her come-up in the public eye was all about the complications of her royal engagement and the old-school rules around it, makin’ her a real hot topic in Japan and beyond.

8 thoughts on “Mako Komuro Sexy (4 Photos)

  1. peter dobson

    There are hardly any hot japanese women. And they all cry during their orgasm. It’s a pathetique and a fucked-up culture

    1. Doctor Dick

      They are as cute as fuck. They all pass out in ecstasy when I fuck them. Are you coming on to Spankmaster with this obscure insult to Japanese ladies?

      1. Big Mick

        Doctor Dick,

        I fear for that poor dude on the right, leave him alone but you have already stated they all pass out in ecstasy when I fuck them.

        Your a faggot through and through dockie, you obviously follow the woke and diverse teachings of kim kardasian which make you a tranny lover, so go suck a dick.


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