Lynda Carter Nude (3 Photos)

Check out Lynda Carter’s nude photoshoot for “Apocalypse Now” in 1976. The Wonder Woman shows her big natural boobs, posing topless.

Lynda Carter (born July 24, 1951) is an American actress, singer, model, who was crowned Miss World USA in 1972 and finished in the Top 15 at the Miss World 1972 pageant.

Lynda Carter Nude

12 thoughts on “Lynda Carter Nude (3 Photos)

  1. Carlos T. Jackal

    Had to look this one up. Lynda Carter was supposed to be in “Apocalypse Now” as one of the Playboy Playmates that perform in a USO show. But filming was delayed after a storm destroyed the set and she had to get back to the states to shoot Wonder Woman, so her role was re-cast with Colleen Camp. But Lynda had already shot the “centerfold” photo that appears in a couple of shots, so you could say she is indeed in the movie. So yes, that’s really her and her magnificent tits.

    1. Doctor Dick

      Look up ‘Lynda Carter Wonder Woman swim suit camel toe’. This has to be the worlds greatest Kids TV camel toe. If not the greatest ever camel toe :-)

    2. LeeM9308

      Carlos, I believe that Colleen Camp posed for a nearly identical topless photo that actually appeared in the Playboy “Apocalypse Now” set in 1976. I don’t believe this Lynda Carter photo appeared in the magazine.

  2. Dizz

    Stunning woman, gives me lowkey Jennifer Connelly vibes. Would love to see the rest of her, you can just tell her body would be fucking perfection.

  3. Goro

    Merciful Minerva!

    Even if those pics are ancient and airbrushed, those knockers are still gorgeous and her face is, well, picture perfect. She should have done much more nudity back when she looked like that. She would have done a lot more movies and TV shows if she had.

  4. pboi

    So Crapper…you were up and running this shitty site in 1976?!?!?!? Is that why you watermarked your ‘property’? YOU ARE A DUMBASS!!! if it wasn’t for the occasional nude posts I would just look somewhere else. I already skip through some of the BS you post, I love EmRat, but if I see her walking her dog, fully clothed and there’s more than 40-50 pictures…I’m skipping it. If I see a chubby or old nobody and it has more than 10 pics…I’m skipping it. If I see Maddy Beers, Kendel or Kylie Jenners, the Haddids, the Westbrooks and it’s just them walking the street getting coffee/grocery/walking their dog/getting out of their car or anything they’re doing fully clothed and there’s more than 10 pics…I’m skipping it. you want to lose clicks, viewers…keep doing the stupidity you’re doing


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