56 thoughts on “Lisa Appleton Topless (46 Photos)

  1. WTF

    On what fuckimg planet should this behaviour be encouraged by her?

    She needs to get a fuckimg job before the RSPCA come and drag her away.

  2. Doug

    Goddammit, what’s her age and nationality? What a fucking hottie. She can lick my cone any day. It’s about the same size as pictured here when fully erect. Ballin’

        1. Peponote

          I know that’s not going to happen. Still, pretty sad for you. Now that you got the attention you needed for your life, the curse has been lifted!

  3. LenTheWelsh

    Holy fuck! Imagine waking up next to this thing smiling at you after a heavy night out! Just imagine the amount of projectile vomit that would follow.

  4. CM Geek

    she’s clearly lost her mind. She needs to be sectioned in a mental hospital. Not having pics of her put online for trolls to make fun of her.

  5. Erogenous Jones

    More Yoda than yoga !
    How fortunate some lucky paparazzi just happened to capture these images, in no way are they posed and a desperate attempt to try and retain a degree of interest in her sad declining career (from Z list once, now on ? ? ? ?)

  6. Clipper

    I’d bang the fuck out of that all night long, I bet she loves it up the arse too. Bit of atm to finish off then blow my load all over that pretty face.

  7. PuppyMonkeyBaby

    Sees Lisa Appleton name in the title…….

    Grabs popcorn and immediately scrolls down to comment section…..

  8. Az

    So many queers on this site. You can’t have your cake and eat it. Not only are you all super retarded and probably live at home but you’re probably all dog ugly and shouldn’t think that you get to judge her on looks, look at yourselves and ask yourselves why you’re on here if you’re all faggots. Freaks.

  9. Spooky

    If she’s gonna get nude,she really needs to get back in shape. I’d like to see a serious transformation here.

  10. UKD

    It’s so sad how desperate this woman is to get noticed, her 15 minutes of ‘fame’ were up many years ago, i was told she has been paying photographers to take picures of her and submit them to newspapers in the hope that she can force her way back Onto the Z lister circuit. A truly sad individual.

  11. TheRealDoug

    You’ll notice there isnt a single soul around. Has everyone scattered away to avoid this abomination of a being?

  12. Say Hello To My Invisible Friend

    I see they let her out to play with her invisible friends. If you’re a schizophrenic at least you are never alone.

  13. dickhead

    Sets as egregious as this one are pure comedy.
    ….for a minute.
    After that it’s just…..”Oh dear God be merciful this once and end it all”


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