13 thoughts on “Lira Galore Nude & Sexy Collection (32 Photos)

  1. Fame Whore

    I am stupid enough to believe that the site admin reads my every single comment and constantly trolls me, but never deletes my comments or blocks my URL. I’m retarded as well as gay.

  2. Spankmaster

    As this whale is around, then just bring in the Japanese fishermen and put it out of its misery. Simple logic, really…

      1. Spankmaster

        That’s entirely your fetish dock, which proves that you’ve been spending time in prison again. Don’t worry, though, as I will sneak in the angle grinder to keep you warm, raw and refreshed…

  3. tony k

    I’m sure Satan is in control of this world,hideous things like that must be abundant there,and now they are putting them in our faces too.


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