Lily Allen Nude & Sexy (25 Photos)

Check out Lily Allen’s nude/sexy black-and-white photos from a photoshoot by William Baker (2010).

Lily Rose Beatrice Allen is a famous British singer, actress, and TV presenter, author of favorite hits “Smile” and “Fuck you,” the daughter of renowned producer Alison Owen and comedian Keith Allen.

Lily had to sell drugs and earn extra money at the local music store Plastic Fantastic. But the fate of this girl, as it often happens, has changed thanks to a happy occasion. Lily met George Lamb, a former producer of Audio Bullys. Lamb introduced the extravagant girl to the duo “Future Cut,” thanks to which Allen recorded several singles and began her creative biography.


Lily Allen Nude

16 thoughts on “Lily Allen Nude & Sexy (25 Photos)

  1. Queen Elizabeth

    Why aren’t her knickers off? I would like to see whats under her knickers. Be a darling honey and take off your knickers.

  2. Spamwhore

    For a slender woman who goes nude a lot and boasts about anal and her third nipple, she sure is as sexually attractive as dog shit.


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