8 thoughts on “Lena Gercke Shows Her Tits at About You During Berlin Fashion Week (12 Photos)

  1. GerMan

    I am somewhat relieved that even though her disgusting, repulsive pregnancy has completely ruined her pussy and herself, it has not completely ruined her tits.

    1. Dshey Aar

      ist es das was man heutzutage lernt? Hinter der Anonymität des Internets andere Leute zu beleidigen?
      Selbst wenn Lena Gercke mittlerweile 80 wäre, ist es nicht gerade gentlemanlike sie eine “alte Sau” zu nennen

    1. Dshey Aar

      i would not saying it so rude, but you are right, everyone is awaiting a topless woman if the title say she’s showing her tits


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