Leia Sfez Sexy (9 Photos)

Summer’s comin’ next week, which means all the girls need a solid base for every hot-ass summer day. That’s why this French babe Leia Sfez showed off her necessary purchase for the season – some straight-up classic black Valentino shorts with an overstated waist.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leiasfez/

Leia Sfez rocks similar shorts during the day with a T-shirt and some kicks, and at night she pairs ’em with some fancy-ass tops. She showed us how to rock these short shorts with a Khaite jumper with open shoulders and a wavy bodice. And by the way, this brand was also chosen by Meghan Markle for her appearance in “The Hague”, so you know it’s lit!

1 thought on “Leia Sfez Sexy (9 Photos)


    This lady’s married with three kids and weighs 120 lbs. I go to WalMart, and the illegal immigrant mestizo, fresh over the border in my neighborhood, is 240 lbs with 3 kids buying frozen tamales in bulk.


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