25 thoughts on “Leggy Kate Beckinsale Dresses Up as a Pope for Halloween (35 Photos)

    1. Chester

      No YOU’RE Gay! Transference. You want to be me and know you can’t because you simply can’t cut it. It’s alright. I feel your pain!!

    1. Fat Kate Upton

      Nobody told her that ‘The Wall’ was on the horizon at age 30.

      She’s been living on borrowed time for the last 18 years!

      If she’s acting like this now…

      age 50 will not be good for her phycological-well being.

  1. KingKokos

    She’s not dressed as the King of Pedos, he wear all white. She’s dressed as a cardinal, yk the King of Pedos henchmen that helped move around child raping priests from parish to parish so they could keep abusing and raping kids!

  2. Marx

    Old fucking bitch, keep your clothes on if you leave your fucking house. Our eyes do not want to be exposed to your old ass.

    1. Tom Jones

      The entertainment industry is full of these pathetic old whores.

      Before feminists took over Hollywood,

      a woman’s acting career was ended at age 30,

      and it forced them to get married and start a family.

      But, today, we have millions of these unmarried, old skanks still acting like teenagers.

  3. Chester

    Is there anything more boring than Halloween? All the assholes in their costumes going to their mindless, shitty parties in the cesspool known as West Hollywood. Maybe New Years Eve with the fucking bell in Times Square and Ryan Seacrest and all the other assholes.

  4. Amused.

    Her costume looks reinforced in the crotch around that white line, almost as if that white line is actually a zipper.


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