25 thoughts on “Leelee Sobieski Leaked (1 Photo)

  1. CK

    Oh my God, yes. I sure hope this is fucking real. It looks real, so . . . Her tits have always been one of the best pairs in Hollywood, and all her leaks from The Fappening weren’t even all that fucking clear! This is the best Christmas gift I’m gonna receive all year. :D

    Oh, and the blowjob tape of Rose McGowan also. ;)

  2. Mark Ecko

    She truly does have the best breasts in Hollywood today and truly is one of the most natural beauties out there today. As she ages she really grows into her own beauty!!!

  3. klawick

    15 years ago, this girl was every bit as hot as Jennifer Lawrence is today. She just never did the Oscar-bait pretentious movie roles

  4. big dick

    She has been topless in plenty of movies no big deal here. I am waiting to see her pussy pic leaked thats the only thing she hasnt fully shown.

    1. turdsandwich

      What are you talking about? She was topless in one movie, from the side, from far away, and you couldn’t see shit.

  5. gumbosoup

    Pretty sure this is real. There is another picture from the original leak that looks like it was taken at the same time as this picture. It’s the same shower and lighting and her hair looks the same, but it was a slightly different angle and no bewbs obviously. Apparently there are still some great pics slowly leaking out, like the recent Jennifer Lawrence pic. Keep em comin!


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