Laverne Cox See Through (45 Photos)

Laverne Cox attends the premiere of Columbia Pictures’ “Charlie’s Angels” at Westwood Regency Theater in Los Angeles, 11/11/2019. The “Orange is the New Black” actress showed off her sexy body and big tits, wearing a see-through dress.


67 thoughts on “Laverne Cox See Through (45 Photos)

    1. Stormin Norman

      I was thinking about hanging it from an oak tree. That way all the other wannabe transfaggots will know better than to try that shit.

      It can also double as a pinata for the adorable kids to have at with a 2×4.

    1. AbidingDude

      He, don’t call that abomination she. He’s a dude, born a dude and will die a dude. Even if he cuts his cock off he’ll be a dude.

      1. Stormin Norman

        Exactly. A man who cuts off his pecker isn’t suddenly a woman. It’s just a stupid man who cut off his pecker.

        We deserve the right to laugh at such people.

        1. Spunkmeister

          I think we all know we are talking about the FAKE NAME FAGGOT here. It wasn’t much of a pecker. And oddly he now keeps it up his jizz soaked gaping ass. Its gone green and covered in jizz. Still, he keeps it clean by sucking it clean every night.

  1. Question

    Q- If you you’re getting a BJ from a sexy woman and in the middle find out she has a cock. What do you do?

    A- Flip it over and fuck her up the ass! Your boys are going to call you a faggot either way, so might as well get some booty.

    1. Stormin Norman

      Or you can bust it up to the point you turn the tranny into a pile of hamburger meat. No one will call you a faggot then, because then you’ll be an American hero who defeated evil.

      The kind of hero Gotham deserves.

      1. ScrewH8

        Don’t quote a Batman if you are a piece of shit racist cunt. Lol. You guys are so sad. Scared and stuck in the closet. Just come out already, and suck all the dicks you’ve been dreaming of.

        1. Storman Norman fucks your mother

          Don’t make a post if you’re a stupid shit eating AIDS whore who gets jizz shot in his ass from the other infected losers and then gets pissed on.

          I have the right to laugh, spit on, and then kick the ass of your miserable sub-humans. When people like me do such things we laugh because we know we do the world a good service by keeping you in line. I do however at times get the urge to defecate in a faggot’s mouth. You guys seem to like that.

          And speaking of Batman, I once broke a faggot’s back just like Bane. It was either his back or his ribs.

  2. Spankmaster

    That’s such an appropriate name. I should’ve thought of that…Spankmaster Cox….sounds so erotic….grrr….look closely….we have lift off…..spanking my tiny wiener…..1/8″…..1/4″….1/2″ full erect bonner…..micropenis activate!!!!!!!

  3. Sven

    Ive said it before. Im the most straight as an arrow pussy addicted redneck in this country. But I would still fuck Laverne Cox if I had the opportunity. Cant believe im saying that.

    1. Stormin Norman

      You sir are not a redneck. Rednecks were honorable West Virginian partisans who killed wacky confederates for sport. You’re just someone with missing genes who likes disgusting shit skin trannies with AIDS.

      Lord Jesus Christ still loves you. Repent and come to the light.

        1. Storman Norman fucks your mother

          We know you do that faggot, which is why guys like me bloody up your face in alleyways. But the bigger question is would you eat a turd of my shit too? Secretly you enjoy defecate eating. Just admit it.

    1. scar

      sadly, yes its a tranny. why the F#$k there is one here is beyond me, unless its because he/she has exposed skin (barf), that or Tuesday’s are now ladies and t-ladies posted…..

  4. Stormin Norman

    Why are we all being trolled by this filthy AIDS carrier being posted on this sight? Trannies are a beyond filthy to the point that other members of the Lesbian Gay alliance think they’re twisted.

    We should not be promoting shit. Especially not in America. (Canada and Britain can do whatever), but not in America. We should be letting these people know that they’re out of their fucking minds. And if they insist on attempting to sleep with straight men, then we should let them know further by beating their ass until they come to their senses.

      1. Stormin Norman

        Yes the FAKE fake name faggot, yes you are a faggot. And because you’re a faggot me and my boys are going to crack your skull with a baseball bat prior to urinating on your bleeding body. Beating up flamboyant gays should be a legal right for every American man.

          1. Stormin Norman laughs at ur tears

            I told you we already know you’re a faggot. We only question when the next time you’re lured to a park and get a fractured jaw from some good old gay bashing dudes.

          1. Spunkmeister

            ^Fake Name Faggot^. I see Crapper hasn’t included the photos of you sucking that ‘ladies’ massive cock.

        1. THE REAL

          I sincerely hope that one day that someone finds out who the fuck you “Stormin Normin” REALLY are. I’d love to be present when you are forced FACE TO FACE to recite all of your neo nazi tRUMP loving bullshit. You fuckin keyboard badass. Put your lame ass out us who you really are ya cunt!!

          1. Stormin Norman

            Awww did I trigger you faggot? Maybe if you weren’t such a flamboyant faggot attempting to flirt with straight men or being an attention whore in society then you wouldn’t get you ass kicked so much.

            The idea is simple; act like you got some sense around people and you won’t receive a swift punch to your teeth.

            PS i love pissing on the tannies and faggots I bruise to shit. Now let me see that rage and baww.

          2. Storman Norman fucks your mother

            @the REAL Fake Really AIDS HIV Faggot
            But you faggots don’t have pussies. You just have diseased destroyed assholes that are cut to ribbons and have hot loads of jizz shot inside of them. Your type of faggots are the self loathing kind because all you do is go to clubs, get pissed on, get fisted, and then forced to eat human defecate.

            Honestly in your defense, if any normal person had to do such things, they would be self loathing too.

      1. Stormin Norman is your overlord

        Thanks, but I’m currently busy with fake name faggot’s sister. I love the way her pussy can accommodate my gigantic new jersey penis.

          1. Stormin Norman is your overlord

            We know but we don’t care, because we still get to fuck all of your women. Just imagine that muscular well toned Jersey douchebag body railing on your girl. They dig our wiseguy alpha male attitude. Meanwhile you have to settle for a gay or virgin lifestyle.

    1. Stormin Norman laughs at ur tears

      I love when you girls cry whenever our mighty New Jersey dicks aren’t there to fuck you anymore. Sorry baby we’re now banging your younger sister instead.


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