32 thoughts on “Lady Gaga Sexy (9 Photos)

      1. Truth

        Trump is gaining support among minorites, and all the legal challenges just play into his hands and strengthen his support.
        That is why the Democrats are absolutely desperate to stop him running again. They know he has a good chance to beat Sleepy, creaky ole Joe.

        That’s if Biden hasn’t dropped dead before or during the election, the guy is 81 and looks every day of it.

        1. Doctor Dick

          All the “legal challenges” are fiction. If he had done any crime he would be charged with an actual crime instead of some legal fiction. When he wins the corrupt politicians, establishment and corporations will be exposed. They screw the people over for corrupt money. Let Trump fuck them. Power to the people.

          1. Big Mick

            Doctor Dick PhD in homo faggortery.

            Trump is heading for Jail with rudy, the brothers will pound them both a rodeo. It well know that Trump is a notorious faggot just like you Dockie.

            Trump will fuck them alright, fuck them in their ass in jail as bubas new wife.

            I thought you where bad enough but now your woke, you’ve gone full retard dockie, all those cocks in your ass and throat have left you btprain dead

          2. Big Mick

            Doctor Dick rider,

            If the people had power a lowly degenerate faggot like you would be in jail with Rudy

          3. The dude


            I don’t support Donald Trump but I am also a keen fan of Kim K. Long live our Queen of Woke. We must ignore people and their violent words, yoga and a skinny flat white made with soya milk in a compostable mug reduces my stress levels. Power to the people and our Queen Kim K. No more homophobic slurs everyone, Kim K doesn’t approve either

          4. Big Mick

            Jail time for all the Trump sycophants who wouldn’t give him proper advice. They are all spilling their guts to save their skin. I wonder if Rudy and Don will share a cell.

          5. The dude

            Big Mick,

            Doctor is a good guy, tolerant and inclusive, when you use your words as weapons they hurt him and he strikes back.

            We can all bask in the glory of kim k and find a common ground, the slurs are violent and are hurting people, please stop

          6. Spankmaster

            Clearly, in order to sort out all these political arguments, those who aren’t for Trump are all perfectly fine and in no worry or harm of being seriously fucked over by the extreme freight train wreck that will be Trumps political party. As for all here who do support Trump, then there is only one choice. The donkey will arse fuck you all severely, even after your arses bleed buckets. You have all been warned and enjoy the heehawing while it lasts…

  1. Ed

    Trump needs to win if there is any hope for this country, also can’t wait to see all the Democrat names on Epstiens kiddy island list.

  2. Real Sj

    Love all the 5th grade level, white racist, blue collar T-Rump supporters. Fucker married an immigrant, had kids with 3 different women and has never been to a church. His biggest claim to fame is a TV reality show and his Grab ‘em by the Pussy” remark. You desperate, white fuckers, will fall for anything. Sending your hard earned money to an alleged billionaire.

    Stupid is as Stupid does. All you Nazi’s can go fuck yourself !!

    1. Doctor Dick

      And yet now John Fetterman, Democrat Senator, has woken up to how corrupt the system has become. Supporting Trump’s right to stand at the election. Not all Politicians are corrupt betrayers of the people. But those attacking Trump by any means but the ballot box are. Vote Trump. Power to the people. End Global Corporate ownership of politicians and the establishment.

      1. Big Mick

        Doctor Dick rider

        Sounds like a plan, make a wealthy billionaire your president, who have been proven to be a liar in court. Trump is pro Russian, he has gone bankrupt multiple times, he is also a tax dodger. It’s well know stormy Daniels pounded him with a strap on.

        Trump can’t even read a map. I suppose as you’re a faggot you support other faggots. Trump owns a huge corporation,,you’re clownshoes dockie, brain dead.

        Rudy and trump are going to jail, bankrupt first though because of their malicious lies.

        I hope you and the dude enjoy your soy milk coffee as you suck each others cocks in front of kim the tranny

        1. Doctor Dick

          The Dude, take no notice of this anti homosexualist DNC supporter. Like all Biden supporters he is probably a worshipper of Satan and other evils. Although I am sure in Big Mick’s case it is just so he can suck goat cock.

          1. The dude


            I just wish everyone could stop fighting and embrace the positive energy all around. I do not wish to fight with Big Mick, and yes Soya Milk tastes delicious as I am sure you would agree Doctor.

            I do hope that no one here worships Satan, hot yoga is great for stress relief. Everyone should follow Kim’s lifestyle choices, she is a beautiful independent woman who is inclusive and diverse and deserves everyones respect. Kim is supportive of the LGBTIQA+ community as should we.

            And a soya milk vanilla latte is devine so the jokes on you big mick

          2. Doctor Dick

            I do agree Dude. Kim is my number one girl and has my full support and enthusiastic admiration. As for the Satan worship. I am certain Big Mick has ulterior (sexual) motives for his part in that “activity ! Peace and Love my friend !!

  3. Real Sj

    PS, Rudy G. And T-rump lawyer, Alan Dershowitz are all frequent flyers on the Lolita Express. How about all those photos of T-rump with Epstein and his pimp bitch at multiple high society parties. Of course 78 year old T-rump can’t remember!!’

    1. Real Sj

      I should know who was flying down to that Island, I was one of the stewardesses on those flights. Biden didn’t like me as I was too old for him, he liked the little hairless kiddies. Jim Carrey, on the other hand, was always grabbing my cock and balls under my skirt. He’d grab me and then make a honking noise, I was so embarrassed but I did get aroused by his shenanigans, and he could feel it.
      Unfortunatley, once we landed I never saw Jim again. He’d grab the two youngest of Jeffrey’s new “recruits” and take them to the “Jungle Room”. We didn’t see him again all weekend.

      1. Doctor Dick

        It is not just about Trump. It is about corrupt corporations owning corrupt politicians and the corrupt establishment. They get rich betraying the people for $. Trump has exposed them and their lying MSM. Why did Rudy get fined £132 million for “slander”. Can you not see the justice system is owned. Rudy was probably right. The election was certainly rigged. And you support the billionaire corporation and millionaire politicians. Trump for democracy and power to the people.

        1. Big Mick

          Doctor Dick,

          Rudy was proven to slander people in a court of law, he was once a great man who was blinded by greed and trumps enormous cock.

          All trumps sycophants are going to court, their lies exposed, they knew they loss the election but trump tried so cease power like a dictator.

          All trump faggots like dockie are afraid they will be exposed as the degenerate despicable faggot they are, drunk on power and ass fucking each other. Eipstein, Prince Andrew all supported that sick fuck

          1. Doctor Dick

            You think the “court of law” is impartial lol. It is owned by the corporations, by the billionaires. You are officially a shit swallowing moron. Wake the fuck up. The MSM lie. They are owned by the same people who own the government.

          2. Big Mick

            Doctor Dick Rider,

            Trump is part of the system he owns a corporation, he is a billionaire. Open your eyes Dockie you retard.

            Trump flies around the world in private jets living a life of luxury, he spews a few lines to ordinary people who want to believe his lies. Trump recieved hundreds of millions from corporations to run for president.

            Tell your bullshit to the dude, he seems woke enough to believe it

          3. Doctor Dick

            You faith in the owned judiciary is naive. Hillary Clinton’s Russia interference has been exposed as a lie, as have 50 senior FBI who knowingly lied about it. The world is SILENT. Yet Trump merely questions the validity of the election, as is his right. The Biden laptop. Media silence. I do not know if Trump is genuine. But I do know the current vermin have provoked a war, taken $125 BILLION tax dollars and handed it to the big arms corporations and their financial backers ? (guess who). To kill over half a million people in Ukraine. Vermin. FYI it’s “seize” and he did not. The Media is owned by the self serving billionaire corporations. They LIE.

  4. hank

    only thing worse than stupid nigars that vote D cause their masters tell them, are stupid white commies who think they will be invited to the party. us “rednecks” are gonna throw one hell of a shindig while ya’ll fools are killin each other in the cities.


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