43 thoughts on “Lady Gaga and Boyfriend Grab Some Italian Food to Go (50 Photos)

    1. Rax

      This is not a porn site. This is a sexy celebrity picture site. Personally, I fap to Lady Gaga’s flabby aging ass and I’m not ashamed. If you don’t like it, keep scrolling ?

  1. Clicky Dick

    Lady Caca is getting quite the muffin top. Bitch needs to quit shoveling pizza into her ugly face.

    1. Spankmaster

      And you know this because…? Come on, tell the truth, have you been up to your old peering in through the window tricks again. Next time, get some decent photos to present here…

      1. Uncle Dick

        Spanker ! Hope she asked before wearing your leggings . Whatever, you wont be wearing a mask when you sniff that stinky crotch . Happy endings !

        1. Spankmaster

          She didn’t ask, she just stole them off my line. And I’ll be happily heading for her pleasant poontang while you’re sticking your head up her aromatic arse. Just make sure you eat all that chocolate; it is famous you know. And any happy endings will only result from the rat poison I just fed you…

  2. Rich

    The worst “fashion” of today’s women is high waisted pants? Who the hell told all these women this is what’s hot? I was behind some early 20s women yesterday and they all had really high waisted jeans on and their asses just looked like sorry pancakes because of it. Chicks asses look so much better and actually have shape when they wear their pants lower. Idiots

    1. Wendell

      It’s the “Larry King” look. Remember Larry? The interviewer?……..I swear Larry’s jeans were belted around his chest. Whatever happened to the tight blue jeans which could make a girls ass talk?

  3. Name

    Man she gets around. Seems like she opens her legs for different men more than she releases music. What a whore

  4. IronBull

    I’d fuck that fat Italian ass with that preggo belly. As the Spanyard man watches me cum inside her and he admires my fat circumcised cock.

  5. Spankmaster

    Go easy on the poor girl. I mean, she does her best bring some style and class into her life, so at least she doesn’t piss on the side of the road like someone we all know…

    1. Spankmaster

      Is a gunt a combination of a gut and cunt? in case it is, doesn’t that just mean there’s more room for those who are of the adventurous type to really climb every mountain when it comes to fucking?

      Just adding a bit of philosophy here…


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