8 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Sexy Collection (10 Photos)

  1. Spankmaster

    What’s the difference between this thing and an inflatable doll you have sex with?

    A: You much prefer pumping air into the doll than the other leaking bag of horrible old shit.

    There you all are, today’s philosophy lesson at no extra charge…

    1. Spankmaster

      Just to add, how can you possibly be considered at all sexy when covered with your own period paint?

      I dare anyone to answer that…

    1. Swing

      Lol… Are you just a idiot or a moron. Think you never had sex with a normal real women, you just look at fake womens in porn movies. Get a real life so you wake up

  2. K Jen hater

    must be old pics, due to the fact she just had a child…..no wet nipples to indicating breast feeding, etc…oh yeah, forgot, snore.


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