11 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Looks Hot in a Bikini (7 Photos)

  1. Mr Cummies

    Why do people care about this shit? He posts this garbage because every single one of you retards will view it.

    1. Mr Cummies

      Oh no! I’m so sorry that I said something negative about everyone’s favorite professional whore! Will you guys ever forgive me?

  2. JrSalami

    Again…side view of a super edited photoshop to death ass…….that fake as billionaire is trying to fake us….that ass has more asteroid crater hits than the moon…

  3. KingKokos

    How the fuck is this disease ridden skank a billionaire???
    This worthless whore should be forced to fuck for free behind a dumpster in a dark and dirty alley!

  4. Macho Man Randy Savage

    I’d spend a night fucking her, I wouldn’t be happy myself the next day. But i’d still do it.

  5. From 3 to 8 inchies

    She needs to show us them big ass fucking tits already. One nipple in see through clothing ain’t enough. FUCK!

  6. peter dobson

    Maybe this is an idea: we let Shaq O’Neill get behind this bitch and let him drive his huge dick into her asshole. It won’t fit but he can surely try.


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