Krysten Ritter Sexy (29 Photos)

Krysten Ritter displays her growing baby bump with boyfriend Adam Granduciel as the romantic couple grab a bite to eat in Beverly Hills, 05/17/2019. The 37-year-old “Jessica Jones” actress wore a form fitting black dress and Adidas trainers.


49 thoughts on “Krysten Ritter Sexy (29 Photos)

  1. FuzzyBritches

    How did that incredible shlub get that amazing piece of ass? WTF is wrong with this world?

      1. Steven James Mauldin

        Dick she is a goddess. One I’d do ANYTHING for. I wish that was my baby in her belly. Oh and Adam you dick, hold her fucking hand!!! It’s clear she wanted it and you took forever to put the stupid bag in the other hand and give it to her. And she’s preggers, I’d fucking carry her. I really hope he appreciates you honey because by his face in these pics it doesn’t look like it. And I’d cut off fingers for you. Funny how the world works.

  2. legman

    1. Why the fuck is she with this loser when she could have me?
    2. Given that she’s preggers, she looks a bit out of shape since her Jessica Jones days…

    1. Steven James Mauldin

      I bet once she has her baby her “out of shape body” will be amazing again. And I’d take her right now just the way she is. Because that’s how love is supposed to work. She’s the hottest woman on earth.

  3. JuliySer

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  4. Gloria Estefan

    Seriously??? She must be fuckin blind… And you must be fuckin blind too if you think she’s sexy while she’s pregnant..

    1. FuzzyBritches

      You do realize that pregnancy is temporary? Or did mommy not teach you the birds & the bees while fisting you?

  5. Kosmo

    This guy is actually really really good looking. Hes up for the lead role in a movie about Steven Wright’s life. That would explain how in Hollyweird homely men can still bang an actress.

  6. Kent

    She gained weight everywhere, not just her baby bump. Wonder if she’ll have a difficult time taking it off after she delivers.

    And it looks like her man has gained sympathy weight. Not a good idea, he looked chunky enough as it was.

  7. Wayne

    How the fuck did that fat ugly cunt get to cum up her? because he plays a guitar. Women are shallow and fucking crazy

  8. Lobo

    She’s fugly af, pale as the undead and grossly overpaid. The one character she always plays is “neurotic bitch” She the death of my boner

    1. Steven James Mauldin

      Her skin is incredible. There is a reason she’s a model. Damn!!! I’d kill for her. Everyone here is a jackass save for the few who complimented her. You all WISH you could get a goddess like her to have your baby. But you CAN’T!!!! So you hate on her like the dopes she went to school with. I love you Krysten and I really wish you true happiness. I’d never hate just because I can’t have you myself. Most of the people here need to grow up. If half these idiots even have girlfriends, I’d love to see what they look like. I’m betting not like a goddess.

  9. Krysten Ritter

    “I love you Krysten and I really wish you true happiness. I’d never hate just because I can’t have you myself.”

    Thanks for defending me there and for the compliment! I am going to dump this dude I’m with in the pic. I always read pornsite’s comment sections with my preggo photos on them to see obvious virgins stick up for me.

    1. Steven James Mauldin

      Hilarious. Maybe I’m just a nice guy and she’s my fantasy girl. Truth is I’m 40 and I have MS. I stopped dating at 31 because I’m too sick now to have a relationship. Before this my life was great and I always had a girl and had more sex than I could ever count. Your the obvious virgin. That’s why you can’t even sign as yourself coward. At least I respect women and know how to treat one properly.


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