Here are some more Kristen DeLuca’s nude photos with Charlotte Lambert for Playboy (2006). The sweet nude model Kristen DeLuca took part in the shooting for men’s magazine.
Kristen continues to satisfy her lovers with sexy pictures on Instagram, and her figure is still beautiful, and big fake boobs still pleasing the fappers.
Cool boobs! Stop jerking off! Try this site and find a real girl!
Who’s the brunette?
Celebfan some girl with downs by the look of it.
Charlotte Lambert
The only thing real about her is the shame.
Nothing differentiates her from the countless bimbos populating this site.
If she took the next step and did a lezbo show with her friend, might be another story.
Her hair looks fried from the excessive bleaching.
Those are the lowest-quality photos I’ve ever seen from Playboy.
Caption was wrong. Fake books don’t please anyone (normal).
Some girls appear in those “side” issues of Playboy they send to you after you re-subscribe like “Girls of Playboy” or “Girls of Spring” {24 page little “fillers” with “OK” girls in them} and then they think they’re a star for the rest of their life. They’re still talking about that one picture at the Weight Watcher’s meeting when they are 59 “I was in Playboy.” They think they won an Oscar.
^ lol