11 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Sexy – Jerk Off Challenge (Video)

  1. Hell Naw

    They need to do a bdsm video with her and make it the most hardcore thing on earth so it fucks up her body all together and watch her end her worthless life.

  2. TheSwede

    This is a challenge indeed
    She hasn’t looked good in nearly 20 years and I don’t usually jerk off looking at non-humans!

  3. peter dobson

    This is by far the biggest whore on this planet. Because it likes reality shows so much let’s put it in a cage with Bolsonaro, Putin and Kim Jung Un. Then after a month or so send in Trump and a big dog. When there’s something left after this just let the rats in to finish the job. Entertainment for everybody and a problem solved: world-polution and global warming

    1. Spankmaster

      I agree entirely. Kill it in the most extreme and hideous fashion possible to prove how truly fucking revolting it is. Even a trip down the sewer is too good for it, in amongst all the other shit making it so far superior, but it is the best we can do…

  4. k-trash hater

    Jerk off challenge, with her? yeah right. i’d rather it be emma watson or other women celebrities, not Kim, hell no.


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