19 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Looks Hot in a White Bikini (4 Photos)

  1. wawa

    I wonder how much fat has been sucked out of her body for each pregnancy. There’s no way you’re built like that, then gain weight and pop out a kid 3x only to still look like that. I’m betting her ass would look like a trashbag filled with cottage cheese had it not been for the surgeries.

    1. What Now

      She never gave birth to any kids lmfao It’s called having a shit ton of money and using his sperm and a Surrogate Mother.

  2. Erogenous Jones

    Thought first photo was her urinating !

    Still, as the entire family is taking the piss then merely following in gamily footsteps.

  3. The Voice of Reason

    If her ass was proportioned correctly to her body she would be fucking spectacular. Her chicken grease injections (to attract Nig Nogs) just got out of control and now from the back or side she is grossly out of proportion.

  4. scar

    really, who-runs-this-site? is that what we are doing now, kim and family daily? you do know i’m “blocking element” with this family, right….? what a great way to start a day.

  5. Sven

    The only thing i still love on her is her tits otherwise she looks fucking horrendous now without make up and spray tan due to all the plastic surgery.

  6. Viper Vision

    The Kardashian coal-burner mudshark sisters should visit Auschwitz and volunteer to partake in a demonstration of how the gas chambers operated from the victims perspective. Zyklon-B actually smells like nectar when compared to the perfumes they are peddling.

  7. peter dobson

    She looks even more like a money loving whore to me with those chaps……2 dollars and no condom for my Danish Dog.

  8. Spankmaster

    I’m surprised no one made mention of her squatting on the ground being very similar to Miley Cyrus relieving herself. Now there’s a total lack of class for you…


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